<="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carl-pope/take-the-sequester-seriously_b_2768623.html">Take the Sequester Seriously... if Not Literally Huffington Post ...some federal expenditure ... won't be on the chopping block -- things the taxpayers will continue to pay for. Perhaps most outrageously, $10 billion in subsidies to the oil industry -- a substantial part of which flow directly to the Treasuries of foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and Nigeria -- will continue...
<="http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/53f284c2-802c-11e2-aed5-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2M64uRHdD">Wall St bonuses rise 9% amid job cuts Financial Times ...The average cash bonus paid to Wall Street employees has jumped 9 per cent, thanks to rebounding financial industry profits and dramatic job cuts that spread the rewards across a smaller pool...
<="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2284542/Art-Bouvier-Man-spots-Jhaqueil-Reagan-walking-10-miles-job-interview-gives-job.html">Teenager spotted walking 10 MILES in the snow to interview for $7-an-hour job is given work on the spot by restaurant owner - who doubled his pay Daily Mail ...A teen's luck appears to have changed after a chance encounter with an Indiana restaurant owner during a 10-mile trek through ice and snow for a minimum wage job interview...
<="http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/kerry-pushes-for-trans-atlantic-free-trade-agreement-during-stop-in-germany/2013/02/26/e0f65ec4-8019-11e2-a671-0307392de8de_story.html">Kerry pushes for trans-Atlantic free trade agreement during stop in Germany Associated Press ...U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry pushed Tuesday for a free-trade agreement between the United States and Europe...
<="http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/state/arizona-senate-chief-andy-biggs-says-union-bills-are-priority">Arizona Senate chief Andy Biggs says union bills are priority Associated Press ...President Andy Biggs, who backs anti-union legislation that would impact police and firefighters, told The Associated Press that he remains optimistic about the effort despite signs that some state Senate Republicans aren't too keen about going to war with the unions that often help bankroll their campaigns...
<="http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/house-votes-to-shrink-political-power-of-teachers/article_9e0dc085-af7f-5336-b33b-a3af0a45b0fd.html">House votes to shrink political power of teachers NWI Times ... Schools would be barred from automatically deducting from paychecks the portion of teacher union dues used for political purposes under legislation approved Monday by the Indiana House...
<="http://www.freep.com/article/20130226/NEWS05/302260057/Taylor-teachers-contract-clause-appears-to-buck-state-s-right-to-work-law?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE%7Cs">Taylor teachers' contract clause appears to buck state's right-to-work law Detroit Free Press ...A recently ratified teacher contract in the Taylor School District has caught the eye of state legislators because it includes a 10-year union security clause that will guarantee union dues be paid -- just weeks before the state's right-to-work law goes into effect March 27...
<="http://current.com/1lda8kc#ixzz2Lx4WDZs7">Michigan lawmakers revive divisive proposals The Detroit News ...Among those is one that would outlaw prevailing wage requirements on public works projects...
<="http://www.stltoday.com/news/state-and-regional/missouri/mo-senate-stalls-on-paycheck-protection-bill/article_de0a9018-33ee-5ebd-a1b2-92693d187b6a.html">Mo. Senate stalls on 'paycheck protection' bill St. Louis Post-Dispatch ...Debate has stalled in the Missouri Senate on legislation that Democrats say is part of the state's "war on labor...
<="http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2013/02/gov_kasich_needs_to_put_ohio_t.html">Gov. Kasich should put Ohio Turnpike promises to paper, Democrats say" Plain Dealer ...Ohio House Democrats are questioning the credibility of promises Gov. John Kasich made with his plan to use Ohio Turnpike tolls to pay for transportation projects...
<="http://www.pottsmerc.com/article/20130225/NEWS03/130229585/pa-lawmakers-want-to-end-prevailing-wage-for-transportation-projects">Pa. lawmakers want to end prevailing wage for transportation projects Pottstown Mercury ...Pennsylvania’s prevailing-wage law sets standard wages and benefits for all government-funded construction projects that cost more than $25,000...
<="http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/federal-panel-opens-gop-computers-in-wisconsin-redistricting-case-mv8u03q-193105171.html">Federal panel opens GOP computers in Wisconsin redistricting case Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ...A federal court gave groups suing the state broad access Monday to three computers used by the Legislature to develop Republican-friendly voting maps...
<="http://www.freep.com/article/20130225/BUSINESS06/130225088/detroit-media-partnership-free-press-news-contract?odyssey=nav%7chead">Detriot newspaper workers agree to new 3-year contract Detroit Free Press ...new three-year contracts provide annual across-the-board 1% wage increases and different health insurance coverage with lower premiums...The four unions covered by the contracts are the Newspaper Guild of Detroit, plus Teamsters Local 372...
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