<="http://www.salon.com/2013/01/18/big_win_for_labor_in_chicago/">Big win for labor in Chicago Salon ...By a unanimous vote on Thursday, Chicago’s City Council passed one of the strongest “wage theft” laws in the United States...
<="http://www.salon.com/2013/01/15/poverty_increasingly_means_the_employed/">Poverty increasingly means the employed Salon ...For a growing segment of workers, a middle-class life is slipping out of reach...
<="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/reid-seeks-middle-path-on-filibuster-86369.html?hp=r6">Harry Reid seeks middle path on filibuster Politico ...Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) doesn’t plan to advance a “talking filibuster” proposal envisioned by liberals who want sweeping changes to the stodgy Senate...
<="http://www.tradereform.org/2013/01/787-grounding-puts-boeings-outsourcing-in-focus/">787 grounding puts Boeing’s outsourcing in focus Trade Reform ...Some 70 per cent of the plane is outsourced...
<="http://americanmanufacturing.org/blog">New study finds China gaining advantage in setting technology standards manufacture this ... while U.S. firms place a high value on intellectual property protection, China has adopted a fundamentally different approach to intellectual property rights that can disadvantage U.S. companies...
<="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2013/01/18/gop-takes-off-the-suicide-bomb-vest/">GOP takes off the suicide bomb vest Washington Post ...The GOP leadership is prepared to agree to a three month debt ceiling hike. This is a major de-escalation of the crazy and effectively means Republicans have all but taken the threat of default off the table completely...
<="http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/01/gop-memo-gerrymandering-house-majority.php">GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority Talking Points Memo ...even as they took a beating in the races for Senate and the White House, House Republicans ended up with a 33-seat majority, thanks to friendly district maps drawn by their own state colleagues. As the RSLC memo admits, “Democratic candidates for the U.S. House won 1.1 million more votes than their Republican opponents...”
<="http://www.news-leader.com/article/20130118/NEWS01/301180133/right-to-work-missouri-statehouse?nclick_check=1">Right to Work gaining momentum in legislature News-Leader ...In just a few weeks, Right to Work has gone from a dream of Republicans in the Missouri statehouse to an issue that appears headed for a debate on the House floor and one that may even receive a vote...
<="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/F/FL_FLORIDA_REDISTRICTING_FLOL-?SITE=FLTAM&SECTION=STATE&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-01-17-18-49-28">Judge refuses to dismiss Fla. redistricting case Associated Press ...Democrats, the League of Women Voters of Florida and other plaintiffs ... contend the map "as applied" violates anti-gerrymandering restrictions in the Florida Constitution...
<="http://www.dailypress.net/page/content.detail/id/281561/Unions-look-ahead-on-fight-over-right-to-work.html?isap=1&nav=5046">Unions look ahead on fight over right-to-work Associated Press ...Union leaders looking for an olive branch from Gov. Rick Snyder in his third State of the State address say he left them empty-handed, but they vow to keep fighting to bring down right-to-work legislation enacted last month...
<="http://dispatchpolitics.dispatch.com/content/blogs/the-daily-briefing/2013/01/1-17-13-stinziano-voting.html">Columbus Democrat wants voting rights cemented in Constitution Columbus Dispatch ...Saying he wants to better secure the right to vote in the Ohio Constitution, Rep. Michael Stinziano is proposing a ballot issue that he says would establish that the right should be paramount above other administrative issues...
<="http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/19887">Ohio Gov. John Kasich Gets First Positive Approval Rating The Cleveland Leader ...(The) latest statewide survey of Ohio registered voters by Quinnipiac University shows that Governor John Kasich, a Republican, has a positive job-approval rating for the first time since he took office in 2011, with 45 percent approving and 35 percent disapproving...
<="http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/news/187323651.html">Democrats launch $500,000 plan against Walker, other Republicans Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ...party Chairman Mike Tate called the effort a "72-county plan" and said it would focus on one-on-one voter contact and technology investments...
<="http://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/news/2013/01/18/teamsters-abf-continue-labor.html">Teamsters, ABF continue labor negotiations Kansas City Business Journal ...Negotiations between ABF Freight Systems Inc. and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters continued in Kansas City this week, and the two parties are no closer to an agreement, a release from the union said...
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Today's Teamster News 01.19.13
Written By giroud on Saturday, 19 January 2013 | 04:29
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