<="http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/22/1482141/eu-transactions-tax/">11 European Countries Adapted A Financial Transactions Tax, And the U.S. Should Too (opinion) Think Progress ...11 members of the Eurozone today received the go-ahead to apply a financial transactions tax to trades of stocks and derivatives that occur within their countries…As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich tweeted, “Most of Europe will now tax financial transactions, generating billions for hard-pressed budgets. U.S. should do same.”...
<="http://www.autoblog.com/2013/01/21/hyundai-plant-one-of-100-factories-shutting-down-in-wake-of-beij/">Hyundai plant one of 100 factories shutting down in wake of Beijing pollution scare autoblog ...the area's children's hospitals are receiving up to 10,000 patients per day with respiratory ailments...
<="http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/6374bd8c-64bd-11e2-ac53-00144feab49a.html#axzz2InUlUtvI">Greece charges statisticians over size of deficit FT ...Greece has brought criminal charges against the official responsible for measuring the country’s debt, thereby calling into question the validity of its €172bn second bailout by the EU and International Monetary Fund...
<="http://agonist.org/goldman-other-welfare-queens-tell-us-forget-social-security-medicare-until-70/">Goldman, Other Welfare Queens Tell Us Forget Social Security-Medicare Until 70 Agonist.org ...A long standing Money Party front, the Business Roundtable, wants you to wait until you’re 70 years old before you get Social Security and Medicare benefits. This is just a reprise of the November 2012 dictate from the king of corporate cronyism, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein...
<="http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/6374bd8c-64bd-11e2-ac53-00144feab49a.html#axzz2InUlUtvI">Greece charges statisticians over size of deficit FT ...Greece has brought criminal charges against the official responsible for measuring the country’s debt, thereby calling into question the validity of its €172bn second bailout by the EU and International Monetary Fund...
<="http://agonist.org/goldman-other-welfare-queens-tell-us-forget-social-security-medicare-until-70/">Goldman, Other Welfare Queens Tell Us Forget Social Security-Medicare Until 70 Agonist.org ...A long standing Money Party front, the Business Roundtable, wants you to wait until you’re 70 years old before you get Social Security and Medicare benefits. This is just a reprise of the November 2012 dictate from the king of corporate cronyism, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein...
<="http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/economy/278291-house-sets-stage-for-wednesday-debt-limit-vote">House Republicans unveil measure to suspend debt ceiling until May 19 The Hill …House Republicans on Monday unveiled legislation that will suspend the debt ceiling until mid-May, setting the stage for a floor vote as soon as Wednesday...
<="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/reid-mcconnell-meet-on-filibuster-86551.html">Reid warns of ‘nuclear option’ on filibuster Politico ...Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says Democrats will take the unprecedented step of changing filibuster rules on a party-line vote if Republicans don’t agree to a bipartisan deal this week...
<="http://jurist.org/forum/2013/01/susan-bitensky-rtw-michigan.php">'Right to Work' in Michigan: Depleting Unions, Dashing Dreams Jurist ...RTW regimes set in motion a relentless downward spiral: RTW laws lead to weaker unions, and weaker unions lead to worsening economic conditions for those who can least afford it. Michigan, regardless of its pro-union traditions and culture, is now headed into that vortex...
<="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/22/kansas-unions-bill_n_2529165.html">Kansas Unions Bill Seeks To Undercut Labor's Political Power Huffington Post ...The battle over labor unions has reached a new state, with Kansas legislators due to start discussing a proposal that would curtail unions' political power on Wednesday. The Kansas legislation would specifically prohibit public-employee unions from establishing automatic deductions from employee paychecks to pay for political activities...
<="http://www.prwatch.org/news/2013/01/11948/another-walker-aide-sentenced-prison-secret-john-doe-investigation">Another Walker Aide Sentenced to Prison in Secret "John Doe" Investigation PR Watch ...Another top official to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker during his tenure as Milwaukee County Executive has been sentenced to two years in prison for embezzling funds intended for families of veterans...
<="http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/ppp-maine-gov-lepage-extremely-unpopular">PPP: Maine Gov. LePage Extremely Unpopular Talking Points Memo ...Fifty-five percent of voters in the state said they disapprove of LePage's performance as governor, compared with 39 percent who approve...
<="http://www.prwatch.org/news/2013/01/11948/another-walker-aide-sentenced-prison-secret-john-doe-investigation">Another Walker Aide Sentenced to Prison in Secret "John Doe" Investigation PR Watch ...Another top official to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker during his tenure as Milwaukee County Executive has been sentenced to two years in prison for embezzling funds intended for families of veterans...
<="http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/ppp-maine-gov-lepage-extremely-unpopular">PPP: Maine Gov. LePage Extremely Unpopular Talking Points Memo ...Fifty-five percent of voters in the state said they disapprove of LePage's performance as governor, compared with 39 percent who approve...
<="http://www.bizjournals.com/prnewswire/press_releases/2013/01/22/DC46343">Summerville School Bus Workers Vote To Authorize Strike At Durham IBT ...School bus drivers and monitors who transport students for Durham School Services in Summerville's Dorchester School District 2 have voted 77-0 to authorize a strike. The drivers and monitors, members of Teamsters Local 509, join Charleston County Durham drivers who also voted unanimously, 186-0, on Jan. 15 to authorize a strike...
<="http://www.dailymarkets.com/stock/2013/01/22/teamsters-march-in-atlanta-to-demand-justice-for-sanitation-workers/">Teamsters March In Atlanta To Demand Justice For Sanitation Workers IBT ...At the annual Martin Luther King Day march yesterday, more than 400 sanitation workers and Teamster allies joined workers from the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike to demand that Republic Services/Allied Waste [NYSE: RSG] treat its workers equally and with respect. They were joined by sanitation workers in Dekalb County who are fighting to form a union...
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