<="http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2013/jan/31/unemployment-claims-rise-us-jobs-market">Unemployment claims rise as fragile US jobs market takes hit The Guardian ...Initial jobless claims increased by 38,000...the largest since early November, when claims spiked in the wake of Hurricane Sandy...
<="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_GREECE_FINANCIAL_CRISIS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-01-31-02-33-10">Greek doctors, public transport workers on strike Associated Press ...Greek doctors, port workers and public transport staff in the country's capital walked off the job Thursday in strikes against deeply unpopular austerity measures that have seen incomes slashed as the country struggles to emerge from a deep financial crisis...
<="http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/student-loan-delinquency-skyrocketing-reportedly-hitting-danger-zone">Student-Loan Delinquency Skyrocketing, Reportedly Hitting 'Danger Zone' Alternet ...the overall delinquency rate is now more than 15 percent...
<="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/senate-passes-debt-ceiling-no-budget-no-pay-bill-87018.html">Senate passes debt ceiling, no-budget no-pay bill Politico ...the Senate agreed to suspend the nation’s $16.4 trillion debt ceiling until May 19, postponing the specter of default that threatened the nation as early as February...
<="http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/ups_reports_record_fourth_quarter_2012_earnings_performance/">UPS reports record fourth quarter 2012 earnings performance Logistics Management ...UPS said that while quarterly performance was paced by its U.S. Domestic segment, it estimated that EPS was reduced by about five cents due to Hurricane Sandy...
<="http://www.news-leader.com/article/20130130/NEWS11/301300117/Democratic-lawmakers-challenge-Burlison-on-Paycheck-Protection-missouri?odyssey=nav%7Chead&nclick_check=1">Democratic lawmakers challenge Burlison on 'Paycheck Protection' Springfield News-Leader ...Lawmakers during a contentious hearing this morning attempted to goad Rep. Eric Burlison into saying his so-called paycheck protection bill is meant to harm unions...
<="http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_politics/2013/01/scotts-budget-education-health-care-and-prisons.html" id="os-headline-med" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">Scott’s Budget: Education, health care and prisons Orlando Sentinel ...After a two-year prison privatization fight, Scott has backed down from the idea of privatizing more than two dozen South Florida correctional facilities. He does, however, recommend privatizing 14 publicly operated work release centers...
<="http://www.abc6onyourside.com/template/inews_wire/wires.regional.oh/30e97e85-www.abc6onyourside.com.shtml#.UQruaB3WLgd">Ohio treasurer says he supports right-to-work law Associated Press ...A group called Ohioans for Workplace Freedom has been circulating petitions for a ballot measure that would keep workers covered by labor contracts from having to join a union or pay dues...
<="http://www.wzzm13.com/news/article/241123/14/Unions-ACLU-sue-to-block-right-to-work-law">Unions, ACLU sue to block right-to-work law Associated Press ...Labor unions and the ACLU of Michigan say the state's right-to-work law should be struck down because people were locked out of the Capitol when the bills were initially passed. An amended lawsuit filed Thursday asks an Ingham County judge to invalidate the law...
<="http://www.prwatch.org/news/2013/01/11965/alec-inspired-right-work-bill-back-again-pennsylvania">ALEC-Inspired "Right to Work" Bill Back Again in Pennsylvania Center for Media and Democracy ...Will the Keystone State follow Michigan and attempt to bust the state's unions with help from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its allies?...
<="http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/31/1524461/chris-christie-vetoes-help-for-homeowners-in-state-plagued-by-foreclosures/">Chris Christie Vetoes Help For Homeowners In State Plagued By Foreclosures Think Progress ...New Jersey is facing a twin crisis of foreclosures and lack of affordable housing, but Gov. Chris Christie (R) recently vetoed two bills that would have brightened the outlook for New Jersey residents struggling to afford homes...
<="http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/state/corbett-proposes-selling-liquor-stores-to-raise-education-funds-672630/">Corbett proposes selling liquor stores to raise education funds Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ...Gov. Tom Corbett announced plans today to privatize alcohol sales in the state -- allowing supermarkets and other outlets to sell beer and wine -- which he said would generate $1 billion to fund public education...
<="http://inthesetimes.com/working/entry/14512/cheated_warehouse_workers_wage_theft_1.1_million/">Wal-Mart Warehouse Cheated Its Workers Out of $1.1 Million In These Times ...the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement issued a citation to Quetico for cheating 865 workers of $1.1 million over a period of three years by violating state laws governing overtime pay and lunch breaks...
<="http://www.sacbee.com/2013/01/31/5155672/miranda-statement-on-president.html">Miranda Statement on President Obama's Immigration Reform Proposal IBT ...The President's plan would bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows, crack down on companies that hire undocumented workers, overhaul the legal immigration system and strengthen our borders...
<="http://northcharleston.patch.com/articles/school-bus-drivers-return-to-bargaining-table-monday">School Bus Drivers Return to Bargaining Table Monday North Charleston Patch ...A strike seems like less of a possibility as negotiations wrap up Thursday...
<="http://www.sacbee.com/2013/01/31/5155228/republic-services-teamsters-end.html">Republic Services Teamsters End Strike Over Company's Unfair Labor Practices Local 984 ...This short strike was a wake-up call to Republic that it must stop breaking the law and start treating its workers and our communities fairly....
<="http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/01/31/4584948/teamsters-warn-nuveen-clients.html">Teamsters Warn Nuveen Clients: Don't Get Left Holding the Bag IBT ...Nuveen Investments is asking to refinance nearly $2.6 billion of its massive debt with bond investors, marking the third time in just over three years that the firm seeks relief..."We remain concerned that Nuveen is trapped in a debt service cycle that the company cannot escape," said Ken Hall, General Secretary-Treasurer of the Teamsters...
<="http://www.progressiverailroading.com/labor/news/Teamsters-Canada-MOW-division-members-ratify-Canadian-Pacific-contract--35016#">Teamsters Canada MOW division members ratify Canadian Pacific contract Progressive Railroading ...Teamsters Canada Rail Conference-Maintenance of Way Division members recently ratified a five-year agreement with Canadian Pacific...The contract calls for 3 percent wage increases in each of the next five years...
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» Today's Teamster News 02.01.13
Today's Teamster News 02.01.13
Written By giroud on Friday, 1 February 2013 | 03:48
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