<="http://macroblog.typepad.com/macroblog/2013/03/the-same-old-same-old-labor-market.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FRUQt+%28macroblog%29">The Same-Old, Same-Old Labor Market Atlanta Fed macroblog ...the monthly average of 17,000 state, local, and federal government jobs lost since March 2010 has been nearly matched by average monthly increases of better than 14,000 jobs in manufacturing...
<="http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/item/17885-lanny-breuer-cashes-in-after-not-prosecuting-wall-street-execs-will-receive-approximate-salary-of-4-million-dollars">Lanny Breuer Cashes in After Not Prosecuting Wall Street Execs, Will Receive Approximate Salary of 4 Million Dollars (opinion) Buzzflash ...Breuer was building his value in the marketplace at the DOJ, while Wall Street executives who nearly destroyed the American economy went unprosecuted...
<="http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-03-28/russia-next-line-restrict-cash-transactions">Russia Is Next In Line To Restrict Cash Transactions zero hedge ...Russia may ban cash payments for purchases of more than 300,000 rubles (around $10,000) starting in 2015 - starting with a higher ($19,500) restriction in 2014...
<="http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/27/us-oil-train-derailment-idUSBRE92Q13U20130327">Train hauling Canadian oil derails in Minnesota Reuters ...A mile-long train hauling oil from Canada derailed and leaked 30,000 gallons of crude in western Minnesota on Wednesday...
<="http://www.freep.com/article/20130328/BUSINESS06/130328019/First-day-of-right-to-work-brings-protesters-to-Pancakes-and-Politics-breakfast">Protest greets Snyder as he promotes right-to-work at Pancakes and Politics Detroit Free Press ...David Hecker, president of the American Federation of Teachers in Michigan, said the start of the new law represented a terrible day for Michigan...
<="http://www.jsonline.com/business/wisconsins-unemployment-rate-rises-again-in-february-799bgoj-200478321.html">Wisconsin's jobless rate rises again in February Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ...February's somber employment news came on the same day that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released a separate report showing that Wisconsin ranked 44th out of the 50 states in private-sector job creation...
<="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/28/arrests-chicago-schools-protest">Arrests at Chicago schools protest The Guardian ...More than 100 demonstrators taking part in mass civil disobedience were arrested in Chicago on Wednesday as several thousand people marched against the largest proposed round of school closings in recent memory...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/teamsters-strike-republic-servicesallied-waste-youngstown-ohio">Teamsters Strike at Republic Services/Allied Waste in Youngstown, Ohio IBT ...Sanitation workers employed by Republic Services/Allied Waste [NYSE: RSG] went on strike in Ohio last night to protest the company’s violations of federal labor law...
<="http://blog.pe.com/economy/2013/03/28/labor-teamsters-abf-extend-contract-deadline/">Teamsters, ABF extend contract deadline The Press-Enterprise ...The two sides announced Thursday that the current labor deal would be extended until the end of April while talks continue...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/construction-division-holds-meeting-stewards-union-officers" jquery1364502216346="64">Construction Division Holds Meeting for Stewards, Union Officers IBT ...Stewards from local unions across the country recently met with representatives from the IBT’s Building Material and Construction Trades Division for training on grievance procedures, jurisdiction and future work under the National Pipeline Agreement....
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