<="http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/19/warren-on-trans-pacific-partnership-if-people-knew-what-was-going-on-they-would-stop-it/">Warren on Trans-Pacific Partnership: If people knew what was going on, they would stop it Raw Story ..."If transparency would lead to widespread public opposition to a trade agreement, then that trade agreement should not be the policy of the United States...”
<="http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/investigations/emails-show-detroit-emergency-manager-enjoys-perks-while-taxpayers-foot-bill/-/1719314/20362462/-/r4mc5ez/-/index.html">Emails show Detroit emergency manager enjoys perks while taxpayers foot bill Click On Detroit ...Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr is promised a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week security team staffed by Michigan State Police officers...
<="http://www.wbez.org/news/illinois-state-workers-see-pay-raises-107781">Illinois state workers to see pay raises, but no backpay Associated Press ...Gov. Pat Quinn's administration on July 1 will start paying the wage rate that was promised to thousands of unionized government workers in 2011 and 2012, although Illinois lawmakers didn't approve extra funding for back wages owed, officials said Wednesday...
<="http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/bobby_jindal_equal_pay_for_women.html">Scaled-back 'Equal Pay for Women Act' to cover Louisiana state workers Times-Picayune ...Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into law a version of the Equal Pay for Women Act that applies only to state workers. While provisions in Louisiana's Constitution already prohibit discrimination based on gender for government employees, state workers are nonetheless welcoming the effort to reiterate the need to ensure equal pay for equal work...
<="http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/06/20/58694.htm">Who's Getting All Those Tax Breaks? Courthouse News Services ...Gov. Jerry Brown urged lawmakers to overhaul California's 27-year-old business incentive program, which he says has cost taxpayers $4.8 billion and is shrouded in secrecy...
<="http://www.reviewjournal.com/business/banking/nevada-attorney-general-says-report-shows-more-work-required-mortgage-servicers">Nevada attorney general says report shows more work required by mortgage servicers Las Vegas Review-Journal ...Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto said a recent report shows that more work needs to be done by the largest U.S. mortgage servicers, who are failing to comply with several key aspects designed to regulate how struggling homeowners are treated.
<="http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/06/20/prov-j20.html">Rhode Island: Disabled students forced to work in sweatshop conditions World Socialist Web Site ...The US Department of Justice, the State of Rhode Island, and the city of Providence reached an interim settlement regarding a school for developmentally disabled students who had been forced to work for as little as 14 cents per hour...
<="http://www.publicintegrity.org/2013/06/20/12873/wisconsin-justices-spouse-head-union-busting-law-firm">Wisconsin justice's spouse head of union-busting law firm Center for Public Integrity ...A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice is preparing to hear the appeal of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Gov. Scott Walker’s union-busting law, despite the fact that her husband is the president of a law firm that helps employers keep their workplaces “union-free.”...
<="http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Arizona-Gov-Brewer-signs-election-overhaul-bill-4610609.php">Arizona Gov. Brewer signs election overhaul bill Associated Press ...Gov. Jan Brewer signed a sweeping election bill Wednesday that will overhaul the early voting process in Arizona and make it more difficult for third-party candidates to get on the ballot...
<="http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/politics/2013/06/8531123/looking-dignity-teamsters-local-237-goes-bill-thompson">Teamsters Local 237 Endorses Bill Thompson Capital New York ...After endorsing Mayor Michael Bloomberg four years earlier, Teamsters Local 237, which represents public housing and other municipal workers, endorsed Democratic mayoral candidate Bill Thompson Thursday…
<="http://www.teamster.org/sites/teamster.org/files/62013InternalOrganizingAnnouncement2013.pdf">Mobilize, Energize and WIN! Program Scheduled August 13-15 IBT ...Teamsters Local 667 in Memphis, Tennessee, is hosting a Mobilize, Energize and WIN! Program on August 13-15, 2013. This three-day intensive training will go beyond the basic internal organizing model and focus on developing an action plan that will engage members in activities, such as organizing, preparing for contract negotiations, fighting anti-worker legislation, and building support for grievances...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/vote-count-ups-ups-freight-contracts-set-begin">Vote Count For UPS, UPS Freight Contracts Set To Begin IBT ...Ballots for the UPS and UPS Freight contracts were picked up from the post office yesterday and are currently being sorted...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/saluting-%E2%80%9Csolid-six%E2%80%9D">Saluting the “Solid Six” IBT ...They call themselves the “Solid Six.” These six Teamster school bus drivers at Durham School Services’ Milton yard in Santa Rosa County, Fla., wear their pride on their backs. Their shirts say, “Solid Six,” because they are six organizing committee members who stood strong during a very difficult anti-union campaign...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/australian-transport-giant-toll-group-re-launches-anti-union-crusade-its-american-workforce">Australian Transport Giant Toll Group Re-Launches Anti-Union Crusade On Its American Workforce On The East Coast IBT ...U.S. workers responsible for safely hauling loads out of Toll Group’s New Jersey facilities filed charges with the U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), alleging that their Australian-based employer Toll Group is interfering with their right to form their union...
<="http://www.publicintegrity.org/2013/06/20/12873/wisconsin-justices-spouse-head-union-busting-law-firm">Wisconsin justice's spouse head of union-busting law firm Center for Public Integrity ...A Wisconsin Supreme Court justice is preparing to hear the appeal of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Gov. Scott Walker’s union-busting law, despite the fact that her husband is the president of a law firm that helps employers keep their workplaces “union-free.”...
<="http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Arizona-Gov-Brewer-signs-election-overhaul-bill-4610609.php">Arizona Gov. Brewer signs election overhaul bill Associated Press ...Gov. Jan Brewer signed a sweeping election bill Wednesday that will overhaul the early voting process in Arizona and make it more difficult for third-party candidates to get on the ballot...
<="http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/politics/2013/06/8531123/looking-dignity-teamsters-local-237-goes-bill-thompson">Teamsters Local 237 Endorses Bill Thompson Capital New York ...After endorsing Mayor Michael Bloomberg four years earlier, Teamsters Local 237, which represents public housing and other municipal workers, endorsed Democratic mayoral candidate Bill Thompson Thursday…
<="http://www.teamster.org/sites/teamster.org/files/62013InternalOrganizingAnnouncement2013.pdf">Mobilize, Energize and WIN! Program Scheduled August 13-15 IBT ...Teamsters Local 667 in Memphis, Tennessee, is hosting a Mobilize, Energize and WIN! Program on August 13-15, 2013. This three-day intensive training will go beyond the basic internal organizing model and focus on developing an action plan that will engage members in activities, such as organizing, preparing for contract negotiations, fighting anti-worker legislation, and building support for grievances...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/vote-count-ups-ups-freight-contracts-set-begin">Vote Count For UPS, UPS Freight Contracts Set To Begin IBT ...Ballots for the UPS and UPS Freight contracts were picked up from the post office yesterday and are currently being sorted...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/saluting-%E2%80%9Csolid-six%E2%80%9D">Saluting the “Solid Six” IBT ...They call themselves the “Solid Six.” These six Teamster school bus drivers at Durham School Services’ Milton yard in Santa Rosa County, Fla., wear their pride on their backs. Their shirts say, “Solid Six,” because they are six organizing committee members who stood strong during a very difficult anti-union campaign...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/australian-transport-giant-toll-group-re-launches-anti-union-crusade-its-american-workforce">Australian Transport Giant Toll Group Re-Launches Anti-Union Crusade On Its American Workforce On The East Coast IBT ...U.S. workers responsible for safely hauling loads out of Toll Group’s New Jersey facilities filed charges with the U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), alleging that their Australian-based employer Toll Group is interfering with their right to form their union...
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