2. <="http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/06/30/258388/corporate-profits-recovery/">88 percent of national income growth went to corporate profits from 2009-11, while just one percent went to workers’ wages.
3. Total wages<="http://money.cnn.com/2012/12/03/news/economy/record-corporate-profits/"> fell to a record low of 43.5 percent of gross domestic product in the third quarter of 2012. Until 1975, wages almost always accounted for at least half of GDP.
4. In 1968, when the <="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10563" rel="nofollow">minimum wage was $10.65 an hour (adjusted for inflation), the U.S. unemployment rate was half of what it is today, 3.7 percent vs. 7.5 percent.
5. The<="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10563" rel="nofollow"> minimum wage adjusted for a 135 percent increase in productivity and inflation since 1968 should be $25 an hour.
6. Australia has a<="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10553" rel="nofollow"> minimum wage of $16 and the <="http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2013/08/08/australian-unemployment-big-issue-in-elections/" rel="nofollow">unemployment rate is 5.7 percent, nearly two points lower than in the U.S.
7. The United States ranks<="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/04/15/map-how-35-countries-compare-on-child-poverty-the-u-s-is-ranked-34th/" rel="nofollow"> 34th out of 35 developed countries on child poverty (behind Romania).
8. <="http://www.economicpopulist.org/content/low-pay-keeps-millennials-stuck-home5319">36 percent of the nation's millennials (ages 18 to 31) were living in a parent's home, the highest number in 40 years. 9. The United States has the <="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10563" rel="nofollow">second-lowest minimum wage of 25 developed countries.
10. A 40-hour work week on minimum wage is <="http://www.geekosystem.com/40-hour-work-week-minimum-wage/" rel="nofollow">not enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the United States.
11. Today, U.S. corporations supply less than 9 percent of federal revenue today because of tax avoidance. In 1952, the <="http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2012/12/10/1308981/chart-corporate-profits-skyrocket-while-corporate-taxes-plummet/" rel="nofollow">corporate income tax accounted for about one third of of all federal tax revenue.
5. The<="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10563" rel="nofollow"> minimum wage adjusted for a 135 percent increase in productivity and inflation since 1968 should be $25 an hour.
6. Australia has a<="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10553" rel="nofollow"> minimum wage of $16 and the <="http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2013/08/08/australian-unemployment-big-issue-in-elections/" rel="nofollow">unemployment rate is 5.7 percent, nearly two points lower than in the U.S.
7. The United States ranks<="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/04/15/map-how-35-countries-compare-on-child-poverty-the-u-s-is-ranked-34th/" rel="nofollow"> 34th out of 35 developed countries on child poverty (behind Romania).
8. <="http://www.economicpopulist.org/content/low-pay-keeps-millennials-stuck-home5319">36 percent of the nation's millennials (ages 18 to 31) were living in a parent's home, the highest number in 40 years. 9. The United States has the <="http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=10563" rel="nofollow">second-lowest minimum wage of 25 developed countries.
10. A 40-hour work week on minimum wage is <="http://www.geekosystem.com/40-hour-work-week-minimum-wage/" rel="nofollow">not enough to afford a two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the United States.
11. Today, U.S. corporations supply less than 9 percent of federal revenue today because of tax avoidance. In 1952, the <="http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2012/12/10/1308981/chart-corporate-profits-skyrocket-while-corporate-taxes-plummet/" rel="nofollow">corporate income tax accounted for about one third of of all federal tax revenue.
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