<="http://www.teamster.org/DHL" rel="nofollow">Leaders From DHL Locals Approve Tentative Agreement IBT ...Leaders from Teamsters local unions that represent DHL members met in Washington, D.C. on August 7 and overwhelmingly approved the tentative master agreement and supplements. Ballot materials will be mailed out to members on or about Wednesday, August 21...
<="http://tinyurl.com/khu33fg" rel="nofollow">Gold Cross Ambulance Employees, Schaefer Ambulance Service Will Negotiate Again Soon Imperial Valley Press ...More negotiations between Gold Cross Ambulance employees on strike and the company will take place Aug. 20 in Glendale. A federal mediator came Tuesday to assist in negotiations, but Teamsters Local 542 President Phil Farias said it did not go well...
<="http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/illinois/calumet-city/cal-city-seeks-uniformity-in-its-union-contracts-approves-deal/article_3baeaaa7-4e58-58fe-9d34-8994019bdb27.html" rel="nofollow">Cal City seeks 'uniformity' in its union contracts, approves deal with Teamster clerical workers NWI Times ...The City Council gave its approval Thursday to a two-year deal with the union representing city clerical staff, with city Treasurer Gerald Tarka saying the deal is meant to be comparable with the union contracts given in recent years to other city employees...
<="http://www.willitsnews.com/news/ci_23826818/strike-continues-transit-restoration-plans-be-presented" rel="nofollow">Strike continues, transit restoration plans to be presented Willits News ...Teamsters and Lake and Paratransit personnel will make an appearance at the Lake Transit Board of Directors meeting Wednesday where Lake Transit Manager Mark Wall will present a plan to restore transit services to Lake County. Wall said he expects representatives of Teamsters Local 665 to present a plan of their own.
<="http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/08/it_s_wait_see_for_globe_s_unions" rel="nofollow">It’s wait, see for Globe’s unions Boston Herald ...Union leaders at The Boston Globe said they’ll keep an open mind about new owner John Henry even as they face the unpleasant task of immediate negotiations over new contracts, including for delivery drivers who are represented by Teamsters Local 259…
<="http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2013/08/09/daily-circuit-billionaires-buy-newspapers" rel="nofollow">Sale of Post and Globe signals new era in media ownership Minnesota Public Radio ...The recent sale of the Boston Globe and the Washington Post, both to businessmen who are billionaires, signals a new era in media ownership. The two will take control of properties that are part of an industry in turmoil...
<="http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-09/china-factories-turn-to-undocumented-labor-as-local-wages-jump.html" rel="nofollow">China Factories Turn to Undocumented Labor as Local Wages Jump Bloomberg ...China’s embrace of higher wages to help bolster consumer spending has sparked a jump in factories along the east-coast export corridor bringing in undocumented and lower-paid workers from Myanmar and Vietnam...
<="http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/breakout/job-market-faces-problem-hitting-one-unlucky-group-155045271.html" rel="nofollow">Job Market Faces New Problem, Hitting One Unlucky Group Really Hard Yahoo Finance ...recent graduates under 25 years-old are in a particularly bad spot right now...
<="http://news.firedoglake.com/2013/08/09/study-wall-street-overpaid-rent-seeking/" rel="nofollow">Study: Wall Street Overpaid, Rent Seeking firedoglake ...Yet even more evidence to support the emerging consensus regarding our now dominant financial sector being bloated and useless...
<="http://baselinescenario.com/2013/08/09/the-problem-with-401k-plans/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BaselineScenario+%28The+Baseline+Scenario%29" rel="nofollow">The Problem with 401(k) Plans Baseline Scenario ...What Ayres and Curtis did was point out the losses that investors in 401(k) plans incur because of high fees charged at the plan level and high fees charged by individual mutual funds in those plans...
<="http://nhlabornews.com/2013/08/coming-soon-a-epic-mini-series-strength-in-union/" rel="nofollow">Coming Soon: An Epic Mini-Series ‘Strength In Union’ NH Labor News ...A five-part documentary film mini-series about the history of the American Labor Movement. <="http://www.strengthinunion.org/" rel="nofollow">“Strength In Union” will most likely air on PBS. The films will also be shown at film festivals throughout the country. Be sure to visit <="http://www.strengthinunion.org/" rel="nofollow">"Strength In Union" website for more information and release information...
<="http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/blog/going_green/2013/08/moral-monday-charlotte-aug-19.html" rel="nofollow">Moral Monday coming to Charlotte’s Marshall Park on Aug. 19 Charlotte Business Journal ...The Moral Monday protests in Raleigh that have generated international attention to North Carolina politics — and led to hundreds of arrests of activists — will arrive in Charlotte on Aug. 19...
<="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rj-eskow/the-fast-food-strikers-ar_b_3728990.html?utm_hp_ref=business&ir=Business" rel="nofollow">The Fast-Food Strikers Are Fighting for All of Us Huffington Post ...Fast food workers have been conducting one-day strikes for better wages and working conditions in several American cities. They've also been doing much more than that: They're shown the entire country real leadership. They're fighting for all of us, and their fight is our fight...
<="http://news.firedoglake.com/2013/08/09/nsa-intends-to-fire-90-of-their-system-administrators-to-prevent-future-leaks/" rel="nofollow">NSA Intends To Fire 90% Of Their System Administrators To Prevent Future Leaks Fire Dog Lake ...Despite the NSA demanding the public just trust them, the agency itself seems to have some trust issues...
<="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/08/sallie-mae-education-military_n_3729092.html" rel="nofollow">Sallie Mae, Education Department Under Fire For Student Loans To Military Service Members Huffington Post ...The U.S. Department of Education and Sallie Mae face fresh questions over the student loan business after the largest educational debt company disclosed a raft of likely federal violations that raise concerns over the government’s oversight of its largest corporate contractor...
<="http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/08/seniors-republican-party-poll-unhappy" rel="nofollow">Seniors Aren't Very Happy With the Republican Party These Days Mother Jones ...Erica Seifert writes that polling evidence suggests that seniors are turning against the Republican Party in big numbers. Here are <="http://www.nationalmemo.com/carville-greenberg/why-seniors-are-turning-against-the-gop/" rel="nofollow">three of her bits of evidence...
<="http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/article/20130808/NEWS01/308080058/Michigan-s-bargain-fees-overweight-trucks-need-review-Gov-Snyder-says?nclick_check=1" rel="nofollow">Michigan's bargain fees for overweight trucks need review, Snyder says ...Gov. Rick Snyder said that Michigan should review the nominal permit fees it charges overweight trucks that chew up the state’s roads...
<="http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/08/texas-brief-voting-rights-act-preclearance.php" rel="nofollow">Texas Launches New Legal Attack On Voting Rights Act Talking Points Memo ...Texas escalated a confrontation with the Obama administration this week over the Voting Rights Act, staking out an aggressive new challenge to the landmark 1965 law that could send it back to the Supreme Court for yet another review...
<="http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2013/08/corporations_don_t_give_to_charity_why_the_most_profitable_companies_are.html" rel="nofollow">Why Don’t Corporations Give to Charity? Slate Group ...Go to virtually any museum—and many hospitals, universities, and civic centers—these days, and you will find a prominent example of corporate philanthropy. If you were to judge it simply by the weight of public branding, you would think that the corporate community in the U.S. has stepped up to support charities in a significant way. They haven’t. Their profits soar, yet they only get stingier...
<="http://business.time.com/2013/08/07/meet-the-low-key-low-cost-grocery-chain-being-called-wal-marts-worst-nightmare/" rel="nofollow">Meet the Low-Key, Low-Cost Grocery Chain Being Called ‘Walmart’s Worst Nightmare’ Time ...Retail analysts say that the world’s biggest retailer has reason to fear a small grocery chain that’s based in Idaho and boasts a business model that allows it to undercut Walmart on prices...
<="http://www.wrn.com/2013/08/prison-guards-seek-millions-of-dollars-from-state/" rel="nofollow">Prison guards seek millions of dollars from state Wisconsin Radio Network ...Prison guards at 10 Wisconsin correctional institutions file a lawsuit, seeking payment for perhaps a few minutes of unpaid time every work day. That extra time could add up to millions of dollars for the guards...
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» Today's Teamster News 08.10.13
Today's Teamster News 08.10.13
Written By giroud on Saturday, 10 August 2013 | 05:26
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