<="http://www.teamster.org/content/80-waste-workers-california-join-local-683" rel="nofollow">Waste Workers in California Vote to Become Teamsters IBT ...Drivers and mechanics at Waste Management in Carlsbad, California have voted overwhelmingly to join Local 683 in San Diego. There are approximately 80 workers in the bargaining unit...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/teamsters-end-representational-campaign-american-airlines" rel="nofollow">Teamsters End Representational Campaign at American Airlines IBT ...The International Brotherhood of Teamsters yesterday announced an end to the year-long campaign to represent aircraft mechanics and related personnel at American Airlines...
<="http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-16/amr-us-airways-merger-limbo-puts-ceos-to-workers-on-hold.html" rel="nofollow">AMR-US Airways Merger Limbo Puts CEOs to Workers on Hold Bloomberg News ...About 1,000 white-collar employees with jobs on the block at US Airways Group Inc. (LCC) and American Airlines (AAMRQ) got a temporary reprieve when the U.S. government sued to block the carriers’ planned $14 billion merger...
<="http://www.teamster.org/content/allied-selects-black-diamondspectrum-winning-bidder-teamsters-others-object" rel="nofollow">Allied Selects Black Diamond/Spectrum As Winning Bidder; Teamsters, Others Object IBT ...On Thursday, August 15, Allied Systems completed two days of an auction for its assets at a law office in Wilmington, Delaware. The company (Allied) declared the winning bid to an acquisition company formed by Black Diamond/Spectrum, over a bid by Jack Cooper Transport, whose employees are represented by the Teamsters...
<="http://www.lakeconews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=32599:breaking-striking-lake-transit-workers-vote-to-return-to-the-job&catid=1:latest&Itemid=197" rel="nofollow">Striking Teamsters at Lake Transit vote to return to the job Lake County News ...A day after they failed to get intercession from the Lake Transit Authority Board in a labor dispute, striking transit workers voted to immediately return to work. The striking members of Teamsters Local 665 voted to return to work unconditionally in order to restore full service yesterday...
<="http://www.ble-t.org/pr/news/newsflash.asp?id=5468" rel="nofollow">BLET to Conduct Advanced Local Chairman Workshop, October 20-26 BLET ...The BLET Education & Training Department, in conjunction with the BLET Arbitration Department, is proud to host an Advanced Local Chairman Workshop scheduled for October 20 through October 26, 2013...
<="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/16/mcdonalds-walmart-low-income-shoppers_n_3765489.html?utm_hp_ref=business" rel="nofollow">McDonald's, Walmart Feel The Pinch As Low-Income Shoppers Struggle In The Slow Recovery Reuters ...From Wal-Mart Stores and Gap to Macy's and McDonald's, chains that cater to middle- and lower-income Americans, say they are feeling the pinch of an uneven economic recovery...
<="http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-drug-trafficking-mexico-20130815,0,1910996.story" rel="nofollow">Mexico-L.A. drug ring hid meth, heroin in pipes on big rigs, feds say Los Angeles Times ...Federal prosecutors unveiled indictments Thursday against 57 members of an alleged drug trafficking ring that authorities said smuggled cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine from Mexico to Los Angeles, using hidden compartments and PVC piping that were further concealed in tractor trailer axles. Firearms have also been transported...
<="http://americanmanufacturing.org/blog/awkward-moment-when-american-made-beer-company-gives-away-made-china-hat-baseball-game-nations-" rel="nofollow">That awkward moment when an American-made beer company gives away a Made in China hat at a baseball game in the nation's capital manufacture this ...One has to wonder why a company that takes care to brand itself as Made-in-the-USA would sponsor Made-in-China souvenirs...
<="http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/politics/os-union-sues-sunrail-20130815,0,4755500.story" rel="nofollow">Unions sue to block SunRail contractor Orlando Sentinel ...Two unions filed a lawsuit Thursday objecting to the state's attempt to side-step an agreement from 2009 to use federally certified union workers in construction of the signal system that will guide trains on the $1.6 billion SunRail commuter line...
<="http://www.telegram.com/article/20130815/news/308159857/1116" rel="nofollow">Mass. legislature tackles minimum wage issue Telegram & Gazette ...As many as half a million of the lowest paid workers in Massachusetts could be getting a raise next year if a proposal to increase the minimum wage as high as $10.50 an hour is approved by the Legislature — or by a 2014 statewide voter referendum being urged by unions, community organizations and individuals, and supported by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren...
<="http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/north-carolina-law-takes-war-on-voting-rights-to-a-new-low/2013/08/15/5b25a88c-0452-11e3-a07f-49ddc7417125_story.html" rel="nofollow">North Carolina law takes war on voting rights to a new low Washington Post ...In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision, that gutted of the Voting Rights Act, it’s difficult to say which of the many recently passed voter-suppression bills constitutes the greatest threat to that most sacred of American freedoms: the right to vote...
<="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/16/pennsylvania-voter-id_n_3769410.html" rel="nofollow">Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Barred From Enforcement In November Election By Judge Huffington Post ...A state judge issued an order Friday that is expected to block enforcement of Pennsylvania's strict voter-identification law in the Nov. 5 general election...
<="http://www.sacbee.com/2013/08/15/5654471/nocal-mayor-demands-bank-drop.html" rel="nofollow">NorCal mayor demands bank drop foreclosure lawsuit Associated Press ... Richmond plans to "seize" underwater loans from banks, reimburse them at market value, and then resell the cheaper loans to the original homeowner at current mortgage rates...
<="http://www.sacbee.com/2013/08/16/5656168/california-attorney-general-announces.html" rel="nofollow">California attorney general announces $750M refund from Canadian utility Powerex Sacramento Bee ... the Canadian utility was buying California electricity, shipping it to Canada and then exporting it back to the state at huge markups...
<="http://www.islandpacket.com/2013/08/15/2631372/judge-special-prosecutor-will.html" rel="nofollow">Judge: Special prosecutor will review Perry veto Associated Press ...A Texas judge said Thursday he plans to have a special prosecutor review allegations that Gov. Rick Perry abused the powers of his office and broke the law over a veto that cut funding for state public corruption investigators...
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» Today's Teamster News 08.17.13
Today's Teamster News 08.17.13
Written By giroud on Saturday, 17 August 2013 | 04:19
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