<="http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/1005-trade/281063-obama-seeks-5t-euro-trade-deal#ixzz2K5Mh0dd1">Obama seeks $5T European trade deal The Hill ...The Obama administration is poised to launch trade talks with the European Union that would form a $5 trillion trans-Atlantic free-trade zone...
<="http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2013/02/04/no-evidence-of-u-s-manufacturing-revival/">No Evidence of U.S. Manufacturing Revival Wall Street Journal ...For the past 13 years, the rate of factory closings in the U.S. has been declining. The bad news is that over that time the rate of ribbon cuttings on new operations have consistently fallen even more...
<="http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-05/homes-sell-in-two-weeks-with-low-supply-for-spring-buyers.html">Homes Sell in Two Weeks With Low Supply for Spring Buyers Bloomberg ...A plunge in U.S. home listings to a 12-year low is driving up prices and preventing transactions from returning to historically normal levels. Many potential sellers are holding off until values rise more, while investors are snatching up distressed properties before they reach the market. Builders, reporting their best orders in years, can’t increase production fast enough...
<="http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-06/banks-no-match-for-trucks-where-rigs-pay-twice-as-much.html">Banks No Match for Trucks Where Rigs Pay Twice as Much Bloomberg ...(There is) a wave of job growth at trucking companies as they post payroll increases at more than double the pace of the nation’s workforce since the end of 2010. Demand is being driven by the economic expansion, new regulations that cap driver hours and rising turnover caused by long days and time away from home...
<="http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-05/study-says-states-lose-billions-in-offshore-tax-avoidance.html">Study Says States Lose Billions in Offshore Tax Avoidance Bloomberg ...State governments in the U.S. lost $39.8 billion in 2011 because of offshore tax avoidance...
<="http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/elections/article1273743.ece">E-mails show plotting by lawmakers, GOP on Florida redistricting Tampa Bay Times ...The emails show that a month after voters in 2010 approved an amendment banning coordination between the party and lawmakers, GOP consultant and Gaetz adviser Rich Heffley called a redistricting "brainstorming" meeting at the chairman's conference room at party headquarters in Tallahassee...
<="http://www.salon.com/2013/02/05/virginia_gop_no_longer_even_trying_to_hide_true_purpose_of_voter_id_laws/singleton/">Virginia GOP no longer even trying to hide true purpose of voter ID laws Salon ...Concealed carry permits, but not utility bills, now accepted at Virginia polling places...
<="http://www.heraldstandard.com/news/local_news/unions-protest-ahead-of-governor-s-budget/article_de3d3102-13a7-5ef2-82cc-53979b6427f9.html">Unions protest ahead of governor's budget Herald-Standard ...John Rzodkiewicz, business representative for the UFWU, said the governor’s plan to privatize state-owned liquor stores will destroy 5,000 jobs...
<="http://blogs.denverpost.com/thespot/2013/02/04/colorado-senate-bill-making-easier-firefighters-unionize/90139/">Colorado Senate gives first OK to bill making it easier for firefighters to unionize Denver Post ...The Colorado Senate gave initial approval Monday to a Democratic bill expanding unionization rights for firefighters – legislation virtually the same as a bill vetoed four years earlier under a Democratic governor...
<="http://summerville.patch.com/articles/negotiations-between-teamsters-durham-falter">Negotiations Between Teamsters, Durham Falter Summerville Patch ...Negotiations between a school bus contractor and its union employees have deteriorated, putting school transportation for three Lowcountry school districts into question...The contractor's representatives allegedly walked out of a meeting with its employees during negotiations Tuesday morning...
<="http://www.mlive.com/business/mid-michigan/index.ssf/2013/02/teamsters_local_332_president_2.html">Teamsters Local 332 president is named health care adviser for union's Michigan council Michigan Live ...The president of Teamsters Local 332 in Flint has been named health care adviser for Michigan Teamsters Joint Council 43...
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Written By giroud on Wednesday, 6 February 2013 | 03:30
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